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In dieser Sektion geben wir Ihnen einen kleinen Einblick in die aktuellen Planungen. Diese hängen aber stark von Ihrem Feedback ab und können sich daher ändern.

Kommende Versionen

Nachfolgend finden Sie die bereits geplanten Features (in Englisch). Die Listen erheben keinen Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit noch können die einzelnen Features oder Lieferzeitpunkte garantiert werden.

Features der '2.3.5'

2.3.5 Alarms.

ticket summary version status
214 Add intro to lists like folders on how to edit the list, potentially with field extension to show full text. MyTasks 'both' Neu
220 Better images for postit: headline-button-style and individual images especially for iPad MyTasks Pro Neu
212 Check easytext at startup. If Not available Set Setting to Off and remove entries in settings, if easytext is on, disable textexpander MyTasks 'both' Neu
222 Check FTP upload / enhance messages MyTasks 'both' Neu
213 Date picker, choice to enter date and time separate, one after the other MyTasks 'both' Neu
198 Delete with gesture also for Backup Sets MyTasks 'both' Neu
208 FTP backup show progress including num of bytes downloaded MyTasks 'both' Neu
207 FTP dir listing, show size of backup set MyTasks 'both' Neu
204 Gesture to delete image instead of current custom button MyTasks 'both' Neu
224 Get things done view should limit days in advance to max 28 as otherwise too many tasks are shown MyTasks Pro Neu
225 html-email: select fields that should be included in the email via the field-definitions MyTasks 'both' Neu
200 HTML-Help in wider style hearts for web and iPad MyTasks 'both' Neu
192 iPad-Optimisation / sub-Tasks / grouping MyTasks 'both' Neu
233 last syncdate in Toodöedo Settimngs, special functions should show date on the line MyTasks Pro Neu
232 Lists: In edit mode allow changes to tghe entry via inline-edit-field / number of entries still shown in bubble-image MyTasks 'both' Neu
206 Name your backup also in non-edit mode available MyTasks 'both' Neu
221 Sometimes: If network is not availa and gets available later on this is not always recognised MyTasks Pro Neu
218 Support toodledo-2 interface to Continue to better support repeats with Mac software MyTasks Pro Neu
229 Task Headlines (all skins) may spread over multiple lines if needed MyTasks 'both' Neu
219 Text-Edit field heigh could be full screen MyTasks 'both' Neu
223 View <10 minutes should only show tasks within the next 28 days or tasks without a date MyTasks Pro Neu
199 Whats New At startup MyTasks 'both' Neu
142 Add Alerts for OS 4 MyTasks 'both' Neu
154 Add templates to choose from when creating a new task MyTasks 'both' Neu
176 Badge nbumber shall be updated shortly after midnight MyTasks 'both' Neu
178 Introduce inApp purchase / support existing customer MyTasks 'both' Neu
156 Repeats from (current date or target date) to be set by task MyTasks 'both' Neu
158 Support advanced Repeats from Toodledo (at least report them if they could not be supported) MyTasks 'both' Neu
151 tag version 2.3.5 MyTasks 'both' Neu
152 update help 2.3.5 MyTasks 'both' Neu

Features '2.4.0'

2.4.0 iPad features.

ticket summary version status
73 add percentage field MyTasks Pro Neu
88 Core location service: Show tasks matching where you are MyTasks 'both' Neu
187 Forward task via email attachment MyTasks 'both' Neu
30 Select Font Color / set other options per skin MyTasks Pro Neu
29 Show Number of tasks for folder in bubble-graphic-symbol MyTasks 'both' In Bearbeitung
75 update help for summer release MyTasks 'both' Neu
70 Animate images MyTasks 'both' Neu
191 Email with PDF / Printing MyTasks 'both' Neu
31 hiorizontal rulers: select colour MyTasks Pro Neu
91 Multi-Tabbar for detailview MyTasks 'both' Neu
82 New general database access architecture and global model MyTasks 'both' Neu
90 New Java Client via Bonjour MyTasks 'both' Abgewiesen
34 New quick add dialog MyTasks 'both' Neu
80 record sounds MyTasks 'both' Neu
79 tag version 2.4.0 MyTasks 'both' Neu
21 Tasks-Backup should move to different Task-sets with easy-switching MyTasks 'both' Neu
69 Add skins by importing files MyTasks Pro Neu
71 Alternative layout for the task details MyTasks Pro Neu
157 Dropbox support MyTasks 'both' Neu
133 Font size increase/decrease MyTasks 'both' Neu
68 Introduce optional sounds MyTasks 'both' Neu
72 Specific handling at closure of a task by folder MyTasks 'both' Neu
131 Sub-Tasks (Toodledo-Pro) MyTasks 'both' Neu
95 Support of landscape keyboard and views MyTasks 'both' Neu
126 T oday screen shall list a reference to tasks that are overdue (if any) and a link to the overdue-screen MyTasks Pro Neu

Noch Fragen?

Falls Sie Fragen zu der Anwendung haben sollten oder Anregungen oder Fehlermeldungen, kontaktieren Sie bitte den Support per email. Ihre Meldungen sind gerne gesehen!

Wenn Sie mithelfen wollen andere Sprachversionen zu erstellen, schreiben Sie bitte ebenfalls eine kurze email an den Support!
