Settings(upper left icon)->click "Help"
Browser opens with help-page in the language according to the
local (not language!) settings.
"Settings" closes this
Settings -> click "About Mytask xxx"
About page shows up showing the program name and version from
bundle, "Back" closes this
Toodledo Settings (pro only)
This will open up all your settings for Toodledo if you'd own
the Pro-Version. If not: not available. The handling is described in
the Toodledo-section later on.
Settings in this sub-dialog include:
- id (Toodledo-ID)
- Toodledo Key
- Check Connection
- Special settings
Settings -> Click "General settings"
A new menu opens that shows more options:
- Basic Settings
- Themes (Pro only)
- Localize Tasklabel again
- Set Number on icon
- (Pro only) define the taskfields
- Folder default settings
- factory reset
Select "Basic Settings" -> "Choose background
color" -> choose one in selector -> Back
Color would be shown below the picker including its name.
Background color for the settings-menu and all other screens besides
picker) are changed too
close app and reopen to reload background color and other
Background color and sort-criteria remain as before
Perform again: Settings -> Click "General settings"
A menu opens that shows options as before
click "localize tasklabel again"
Message popup appears, just the task-detail-labels would be
renamed to the local language. If the language did not change after
firsttime start, nothing could be seen in the task details.
Click "Icon without number" or any other wording shown below
List shows with 9 entries, the just shown would be selected
Select any other option
List closes and menu will show the selected entry
leave settings and check that a specific number of tasks would
match the above selected criteria, close app and compare the number
on the app-icon with the settings done.
Number should match.
Reopen app and perform again: Settings -> Click "General
A new menu opens that shows more options
(pro) Click: Define fields
A new menu opens that shows all the fields and their settings.
This is described in detail later on
select -> "folder default settings"
another menu appears that would contain "defaults for all
folder" and "TLC-IT-Consulting" besides an Edit button
select "TLC-IT Consulting"
another menu shows different settings for this folder,
foldername shown on top
select "email address"
A popups let you chose to select an entry from the address
book or to enter a email mmanually or to cancel the selection. If
you've chosen to edit manually an entry field to edit the email is
change email and press "Done"
entry would not validated but shown on the previous menu
press "Back"
changes would be ignored
select "email-Intro"
an entry textfield to edit the email-Intro is shown
change email-Intro and press "Done"
entry would not validated but shown on the previous menu
press "Back"
changes would be ignored
select "image"
the same choice as for images on tasks is shown. You could do
exactly the same here. Please chose one icon now. This would be shown
in the menu then
select "checkmark"
same as for image, please chose an icon. Icon would be shown
leave settings and check that the task(s) belonging to the
above selected folder will show the chosen icons for checked and not
Icons should match.
Now perform again: Settings -> Click "General settings"
-> Click "folder default settings" -> Click "TLC IT-Consulting"
menu shows settings as set before including the new icons
select "Delete" on the image
default picture (Ruegen) shows up again, if not superseeded by
a picture from the "defaults for all folder"-setting for the image
select "Delete" on the checkmark
default picture (checkmark) shows up again, if not superseeded
by a picture from the "defaults for all folder"-setting for the
return to the list of folder
folder show up
select "defaults for all folder"
same menu with different options shows up again with headline
"task defaults" and heading "defaults for all folder"
change image and checkmark
image and checkmark are changed
go "Back" to list of folder
list shows up
select all folder one by one
folder settings shown, should all contain the same image and
checkmark set for the "default for all folder" if not overwritten by
the folder
3g-5d |
(pro) Select "skin type" |
a new list shows the skins available with their image and
the name of the skin. |
3g-5d-1 |
Select any skin you like |
3g-5e |
Click Exclude folder from view(s) |
List shows with a list of all available views, default: none
selected |
3g-5e-1 |
Select any views you like |
All selected views have a checkmark |
3g-5e-2 |
Click Back |
Previous view displayed, Views not shown in line |
3g-5e-3 |
Quickly check views |
Tasks assigned to this folder and views excluded from being
visible: Task will not show |
3g5e-4 |
Back to Settiungs / Folder default settings |
... in order to continue with the following tasks :-) |
select "Edit"
List shown now in edit mode with a starting "+" or "-" and on
the right the option to move the entry.
select "TLC IT-Consulting"
an edit field shows where the name of the folder could be
change the name and press "Done"
new name appears on the list
press "+" to add a new folder
an edit field shows where the name of the folder could be set
give the label an name and press "Done"
Label would be added to the list
press "-" on the folder just created
fields now includes a new button "Delete"
press "Delete Button"
label vanishes
move bottom label to top by selecting the "lines"-symbol on
the right and dragging it to the top
label will follow and will find its place in the list when the
finger untouches the label
Save settings by pressing "Done" (would also be saved whne
pressing "Back") go Back and enter again
All settings do look exactly as before
Select "Hardware information"
A sub-menu appears with the following entries:
select "Memory usage"
a popup shows up containing some information about the
internal memory usage and the space left for the application
select "CPU speed"
another popup informs about CPU and BUS frequencies
Select "Backup your tasks" from main settings
A new list appears that would be empty at first time start
with some explanations on top as well as an "Edit" Button
Select the "Edit" Button
The list changes and shows some "+" and "-" depending on the
number of backups available. At first time start there would be only
the "+" to add a backup and the "+" to download by FTP
Press "+" or "Backup your tasks now".
A backup would be created and added to the list. You will get
a popup that informs you that the backup was done "Your backup went
fine". Close this popup now,
Touch the recently created backup-line
A selection appears with the following options:
- Overwrite this backup
- Restore this backup
- Name your backup
- Cancel (not on iPad: here: click outside of menu)
Select "Cancel"
The selection disappears and nothing happens
Select Overwrite this backup
A backup would be created that replaces the current from the
list. You will get a popup that informs you that the backup was done
"Your backup went fine". Close this popup now.
Select "Restore this backup"
An popup informs you that the data have been restored now.
Close this popup.
Go back to the tasks and check their availability, than return
back to here
All tasks are available that have been backuped before.
Look at the list of backups after restore
An entry with an appendix "restoreBackup" was added to the
list. This backup-set contains the data you had before restoring,
just for the case ;-)
In Edit-Mode: Select "Name your backup"
A entry fields will show where you could enter a short
Enter some text
You should only be able to add A-Z,a-z,0-9 and '_', ' 'all
other characters do not show. The characters are limites as they are
added to the directory name on the device and not all chars for a
directory are allowed.
submit the name
You will now notice that the backupname has some more info in
Press the '-' on the task with the appendix "restoreBackup" as
we want to remove it
The button "Delete" appears on that line
Press the delete button
Backup set will be removed from the list
Press '+' to download by FTP
New dialog appears that let you enter some FTP details and
allows you to list available Backup-sets
Enter FTP-settings
Before starting to download you need to enter the FTP-URL,
your user and password in the topmost fields.
Download directory (incorrect settings)
Press the directory-list-button and you will gert an error.
The directory-button would be enabled again
Download directory
If you'd entered the correct settings and some directories in
the correct notation are available you will get a directory listing
of backup-sets
Download FTP-Backupset
Click on any listed FTP-Backup-Sets and the download will
start after you've confirmed that you are going to download data.
Download FTP-Backupset successful
In case of success you will get a respective message. When
returning to the Backup-view the new backup will show.
Press done
List will show up without "+" and "-"
Select the created task and choose upload to FTP
New dialog shows where the recently entered FTP-details will
Press button to upload
Upload will start and will end with success if ok
Check uploaded FTP-Set on FTP
By loading the FTP-Directory you could check that the
backupset has been uploaded
select the recently created task
A selection appears with the following options:
- Overwrite this backup
- Restore this backup
- Save on FTP
- Cancel
Select 'Cancel' as the other options where tested before
5f-1 |
Reopen settings-> General Settings->Basic
Settings->General task settings |
a list with certain settingss shows:
- auto-correction for text
- links in text
- #days to postpone
- Postpone from now on
- Repeat from now on
- Don't show unset tasks in the task window
- Use TextExpander
- Use Easytext
- Ignore case for Easytext
- HTML email with images / Plain Text email
5f-2 |
switch off auto-correction and return to task-details, open
text-details in edit-mode |
no obviously entered wrong spelled words would be corrected |
5f-3 |
switch on auto-correction and return to task-details, open
text-details in edit-mode |
all wrong spelled word would show some correction-hints |
5f-4 |
switch off links in text, return to task-details, open
text-details in view-mode (non-edit) |
no numbers, URLs or emails are highlighted if they are
included in the text |
5f-5 |
switch on links in text, return to task-details, open
text-details in view-mode (non-edit) |
all numbers, URLs or emails are highlighted if they are
included in the text |
5f-6 |
set #days to postpone to 0, open a task and postpone it by
clicking the button on the individual task |
task shows message that the task is now postponed, but as
the number of days is set to 0 no real postpone comes to play. If
postpone from now on is enabled, the new target date would be set to
today, if postpone from now is off, no change to the target date
happens. |
5f-7 |
switch off "repeat from now on" |
label changes to "repeat from target date on". If
you now check a repeatetd tast, the task would be repeated from the
given date of completion. The current date does not come to play. |
5f-8 |
switch on "repeat from target date on" |
label changes to "repeat from now on". If you
check a task with repeat set, the task would be repeated from today
on. The originally set completion date is not recognized now. |
5f-9 |
switch off "Don't show unset tasks in the task
window" |
All views will also show tasks with the primary key not set
right on top. If you go for completion date for example, we will also
show tasks withou a completion date set. |
5f-10 |
switch on "Don't show unset tasks in the task
window" |
All views will no longer show tasks that do not have the
key-value set. The folder view does no longer show tasks without
assigned folder. |
5f-11 |
switch off "Use TextExpander" |
The automatic text-Expander feature is disabled, the edit
function works as in previous versions. |
5f-12 |
switch on "Use TextExpander" |
If you have bought TextExpander for the iPhone, you could
now start and use the abbreviations in all Text-edit fields (does not
work on the inline-textfields), they will automatically be expanded! |
5f-13 |
switch on "Use Easytext" |
A check for Easytext would be performed when leaving these
settings. If not found, the switch would be turned to "no"
automatically. If found Easytext would now be used to substitute
abbrevioations. Note: TextExpander and Easytext coukld not be used in
parallel. You need to select only one of these tools! |
5f-14 |
switch "Ignore case" for Easytext on |
case for abbreviations will be ignored when using Easytext |